Every drop of vat milk counts towards your milk cheque.
So when you choose to keep your milk in the vat, feeding Ancalf™ will help ensure your calves develop to their full potential. With no compromises.
Calculate how much you could save in less than 2 minutes...

New Zealand's full curding whole milk powder based CMR, trusted by kiwi farmers since 1966.

Made with 100% NZ sourced whole milk powder

A pre-biotic, coccidiostat plus vitamins & minerals enhance health

Easy to mix and versatile
- Suitable from day 4 through to weaning*
- Nutrient profile almost identical to raw whole milk, providing calves with the very best start to life.
- 26% protein primarily from NZ sourced whole milk powder, providing essential nutrition for growth.
- 20% fat from dairy sources, the only fat that contains butyrate, which is important for rumen development.
- High casein component for a good curd, like nature intended, for initial digestion in the stomach and improved nutrient supply & uptake.
- Coccistop® aids in prevention of coccidiosis. Safe for dogs and horses.
- Actigen® prebiotic is able to support immune defence, gut microbial health and gut function and development, thereby promoting overall health and performance
- Specific vitamins and minerals to enhance calf development and health.
- Every batch thoroughly tested to provide product consistency and meet rigorous Fonterra quality standards.
- Can be used in automatic feeders and for fortifying whole milk to increase nutrition and consistency.
Have a question? We're here to help!
Get in touch.
Sam Allnutt
General Manager
027 206 7421
Carla Rawson
National Sales Manager
027 431 5386
Julie Baguley
Territory Manager - North Island
027 500 1469
Elyse Fletcher
Territory Manager - South Island
027 666 0263
Farmer FAQs
Whole milk powder-based CMRs provide a high casein component for a good curd, just like nature intended. Delivering good nutrient supply and uptake for the very best start to life.
Discover what's really going on inside your calf's first weeks of development ->
When it comes to animal nutrition, whole milk is hard to beat - that’s why it's best to choose a quality calf milk replacer, that resembles natural whole milk from the cow. Learn about how milk composition impacts calf digestion.
When a calf drinks whole milk or a curding milk replacer, it bypasses the rumen and enters the abomasum, where it curds and is slowly digested.
What's the difference between casein vs. whey-based CMRs? Michael Shallcrass, Fonterra's Senior Veterinary Manager explores this topic. Natural cow's milk contains 80% casein and is vital for early growth and rumen development.